Wells Cathedral

Fish and Chips at a local pub in Wells, shortly before attending an Evensong celebration that evening (evening prayer sung by Cambridge choir).

View of the surrounding area in Bath.

Bath Abbey

Salisbury Cathedral by night!

A view of the immaculately preserved Roman baths. The dark figure in the foreground is me.

Salisbury Cathedral by day.

A picturesque view of Stonehenge at dusk.

Stonehenge. It was so freezing that day. I guess it doesn't help that we were standing in the middle of an open field with the wind wipping around freely.

Westminster Cathedral (not to be confused with Westminster Abbey).

A shot of Trafalgar square on New Year's Eve after getting out of the National Gallery - gorgeous!

Outside the Eagle and Child in Oxford. One of C.S. Lewis' favorite pubs during his time in Oxford.

A view of Trafalgar Square.

Tower Bridge after a tour of London Tower, where St. Thomas More was kept, among others.

Chris and I feasting on a traditional English Breakfast...I was so happy!

Munching on an English meat pie.

The entrance gate to Canterbury Cathedral, situated next to a Starbucks (thank God!). There is actually a room in Starbucks with big bay windows opening up to the Cathedral - beautiful!

At Christ Church College, in Oxford.

More of Christ Church College. You might be thinking, "Wow that looks a lot like Hogwarts!" Well, you're right! They used this room to film the dining hall scenes.

At Buckingham Palace.

Aerial view of Oxford (above and below).

Big Ben!

Another view of the Roman Baths, in Bath.

Bath Abbey from the front.

Salisbury Cathedral cloister courtyard.

Canterbury Cathedral! So sad that all these beautiful Churches were once Catholic.