Finally, we made our way to the Chiesa di San Domenico—which houses the relics of St. Catherine. The Church as a whole is quite simple (by Italy’s standards), however there are many side altars which are beautifully decorated and full of art. The chapel that contains the relic of St. Catherine’s head, for example, is one of the more beautiful chapels in the Church. Another significant part of San Domenico is the space in which St. Catherine envisioned Christ during prayer. There is a small alcove in the rear of the Church which contains an icon of St. Catherine, as well as a few choir stalls. It is said that during her prayer, Christ appeared to Catherine at that same spot. Buried in the ground at that spot are some 2nd class relics, such as St. Catherine’s habit. I enjoyed praying there since it is not clearly marked, and thus, free of tourists. In addition, I am always fond of the Saints and their intimate relationship with God. St. Catherine, for example, sought and knew God in such an intimate way that He appeared to her numerous times throughout her life. To be able to sit where she sat at the moment of such an experience fills me with both zeal and hope—zeal in the sense that I am inspired to know God more intimately, and hope in the sense that I, too, can experience God in the way that the Saints did. I often struggle to figure out how I can come to know Christ more intimately. How can I come to know His will? St. Jerome said, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” I think that’s the key. To know Scripture is to know Christ. God speaks to us and reveals Himself to us through Scripture. Thus, what better way to know God than through Scripture?