Tucked away high in the mountains of Tuscany
is the fortress that is Orvieto.
The city was never successfully taken over by enemy forces as a result of the steep cliffs that form a natural fortress.
Orvieto has a few claims to fame.
Firstly, the city was frequented by St. Thomas Aquinas, who actually lived there for some time and did much writing there (including the
Tantum Ergo).
The Cathedral stands toward the center of the city, and contains a beautiful chapel with many meaningful Christian paintings.
It is said that even Michelangelo sat and studied the paintings within before doing work in the Sistine Chapel.
Secondly, the Cathedral hosts a Eucharistic Miracle that happened in a nearby city. During Mass, a priest was elevating the Host, when it started to bleed, and it spilled on the corporal. The priest immediately brought the consecrated host to the Bishop in order to get approval. This was later recognized by the Church as a Eucharistic miracle (VERY brief story, but you get the gist...). Overall, it is a quaint, medieval city with beautiful scenery and romantic architecture.
Enjoy the photos….